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Here's What You'll Get:
  • DIRECT one-on-one Coaching from me and Steph Tuss to help you identify the hidden opportunities in your business, and create an implementation strategy. PLUS receive ample time for Q&A, and learn as we coach the other participants in the group.
  • Learn how you can grow your business, support your family and provide a MASSIVE service to your clients... by allowing us to help you see an opportunity that’s around you RIGHT NOW…a win-win for EVERYONE!
  • Understand, at a deep level, the value conflicts that are working behind the scenes to keep you where you are. Once you "see" them you can eliminate them!
  • Create real and valuable connections with other like-minded small business owners.
  • ​Walk away with the clarity, knowledge, plan, tools and confidence to grow your business!
  • Bonus #1: Bring a business partner or spouse for FREE! We want you to be fully supported and we believe in team…so bring a spouse or business partner to be your second set of eyes and ears. (Value $1297.00). 
  • Bonus #2: A 60-minute post-intensive Group Q&A Zoom Meeting. Get ALL your questions answered live, receive follow up coaching based on your results, and leave with continued clarity about your next steps. (Value: $750.00) 
  • Bonus #3: Email access directly and confidentially to us for 30 days after your intensive. Ask us ANYTHING! (Value: $1600)
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