The Industry’s Top Virtual Event for
Small Business Owners and CEOs
June 26-28, 2024
3 Full, Action-Packed Days VIRTUAL ONLY!
The Industry’s Top Virtual Event for
Small Business Owners and CEOs
Only $497 Today 
June 26-28, 2024
3 Full, Action-Packed Days VIRTUALLY!
We Sold Out Last Time... Get Yours Now While You Can.
Only $497 Today!
Ends in:
We Sold Out Last Time... Get Yours Now While You Can.
What if you had the opportunity to immerse yourself 
in THE Greatest Business and Leadership Strategies...
Would You?
Or would you continue to struggle with:
  • ​Hiring the wrong people
  • Creating ample steady income
  • Delegating... so you can focus on building your business
  • Under performing marketing strategies
  • ​Getting your entire team excited and behind your big vision
  • Overwhelm because YOU have to make all the decisions
  • Operating without a solid plan
  • Lead generation
Well, struggle no longer...
Hi, I'm David Neagle
Hi, We're David & Steph of Life Is Now
We offer proven strategies and solutions, based in neuroscience and a combined 30 years of first-hand experience consulting with small businesses, that put them in control of their results so they can do more of the work they love, with the people they love and for the profit they deserve.
(pronounced "Nay-gul")
And I help struggling small business owners who are frustrated, worried, and overwhelmed to be confident and in control of their results, change their annual income into a monthly income, and earn the time off and lifestyle they deserve.
In fact, I've spent my entire life learning how to do so, and I want to teach you how to do the same over 3 Life-Changing Days, live from the comfort of your own home or office.
 We want to teach you how to do the same
over 3 Life-Changing Days, live from the comfort of your own home or office.  
When you join us over these 3 days, you'll learn:
  • How to uncover any unrecognized value conflicts that are keeping you from effectively solving recurring problems in your business.
  • How to identify, understand and create a plan to execute your business vision, so that you can finally get out of your OWN way on your path to success!
  • How to make sound business decisions based on where you’re headed and what’s on the horizon
  • To connect to your "WHY" and the part it plays in your success
  • How to Overcome and Step Through your Terror Barriers time and time again
  • The 7 Dynamics of Change and how they affect your ability to be consistent
  • The insight to identify your Biggest Blind-Spot --- the subconscious sabotage --- that’s holding you back from living the life you dream about 
  • How your inner Cybernetic Mechanism is determining the money in your bank account
  • How to Live Success as an Art in your Life, so you can achieve and earn whatever you want just like our clients have done
What if you had the opportunity to immerse yourself in THE Greatest Business and Leadership Strategies...
Would You?
Or would you continue to struggle with:
  • ​Hiring the wrong people
  • Creating ample steady income
  • Delegating... so you can focus on building your business
  • Under performing marketing strategies
  • ​Getting your entire team excited and behind your big vision
  • Overwhelm because YOU have to make all the decisions
  • Operating without a solid plan
  • Lead generation
Well, struggle no longer...
Hi, I'm David Neagle
Hi, We're David & Steph of Life Is Now
(pronounced "Nay-gul")
And I help struggling small business owners who are frustrated, worried, and overwhelmed to be confident and in control of their results, change their annual income into a monthly income, and earn the time off and lifestyle they deserve.
We offer proven strategies and solutions, based in neuroscience and a combined 30 years of first-hand experience consulting with small businesses, that put them in control of their results so they can do more of the work they love, with the people they love and for the profit they deserve.
 We want to teach you how to do the same 
over 3 Life-Changing Days, live from the comfort of your own home or office.  
In fact, I've spent my entire life learning how to do so,  and I want to teach you how to do the same over 3 Life-Changing Days, live from the comfort of your own home or office.
When you join us over these 3 days, you'll learn:
  • How to uncover any unrecognized value conflicts that are keeping you from effectively solving recurring problems in your business.
  • How to identify, understand and create a plan to execute your business vision, so that you can finally get out of your OWN way on your path to success!
  • How to make sound business decisions based on where you’re headed and what’s on the horizon
  • To connect to your "WHY" and the part it plays in your success
  • How to Overcome and Step Through your Terror Barriers time and time again
  • The 7 Dynamics of Change and how they affect your ability to be consistent
  • The insight to identify your Biggest Blind-Spot --- the subconscious sabotage --- that’s holding you back from living the life you dream about 
  • How your inner Cybernetic Mechanism is determining the money in your bank account
  • How to Live Success as an Art in your Life, so you can achieve and earn whatever you want just like our clients have done
3 full, action-packed days from the comfort of your own home or office!

June 26-28, 2024

Register for only $497 Today
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
We Sold Out Last Time...
Get Yours Now While You Can
3 full, action-packed days from the comfort of your own home or office!

June 26-28, 2024

Register for only $497 Today
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
We Sold Out Last Time...
Get Yours Now While You Can
What People Are Saying About The Summit
I'm sitting here having a-ha moment after a-ha moment... David takes you another level and shatters what you once believed about SUCCESS."
Marc Cordon | Expertise Reimagined
"I came to The Summit because I needed to change my thinking about money... I've only been here 3-days, but I'm a different person walking out the door"
Jodi Miles | Carpe Argentum
"David is someone who walks the talk. He not only gets people results...he has a giant heart."

Chris Winfield | Super Connector Media
I'm sitting here having a-ha moment after a-ha moment... David takes you another level and shatters what you once believed about SUCCESS."
Marc Cordon |
"I came to The Summit because I needed to change my thinking about money... I've only been here 3-days, but I'm a different person walking out the door"
Jodi Miles | Attorney/Coach, Argentum
"David is someone who walks the talk. He not only gets people results...he has a giant heart."
Chris Winfield | Unfair Advantage Live

"Go to AOSS. Let your life transform. I still think David and Steph are 2 of the best consultants in the world, and they exemplify generosity, authentic empowerment, awareness, and love. My income is 6x what it was since the first time I came here."
- Michelle Boulé,

“This is an emotional letter to share, because the numbers are so easy to calculate, but the feeling is difficult to put into words. I can say David and his work took me from $200,000 to over $1,000,000 in our first 10 months working together… with David’s coaching strategy, I have made multiple millions in the last 9 months alone. But—while the money has been wonderful—what has been life changing is the freedom. The freedom to know how to make the money and the freedom from fears of being uncomfortable or living in the unknown. Daily, I am grateful for David. I am aware that my meeting him was divine intervention and that my decision to have him coach me was The Best Decision I have ever made!”
- Suzanne Evans, Hell Yeah Studios

“In less than 90 days of working David I’ve already made 35% MORE compared to this same time last year! That’s a huge increase and the best part is, it all feels so easy. David is THE master at transforming small thinking into big leaps forward in life and business. Thanks to his teachings, I’ve made quantum shifts in my money, my mindset and my belief in how easy life and business can be. Just one of the ideas he gave me is going to be producing multiple 7 figures in my business. Every time I’m with David — live or virtually — I feel a huge door of possibility open up and a clear path of success laid out in front of me. And I love David’s direct, “get to the bottom line” style that knocks the excuses right out of you and puts you on a path of personal power to achieve what you’ve only previously dreamed of.”
- Kendall Summerhawk, Million Dollar Marketing Coach

“When I started working with David, my monthly revenue was stalled for months and I was having a hard time breaking out of it. I knew it was my mindset that was holding me back, but I didn’t know what it was or how to handle it. Over the past 8 months I’ve worked one-on-one with David and listened to a whole range of trainings he has done, and the shift in my thinking has been dramatic. It didn’t happen right away because I experienced a lot of resistance and internal push back in the beginning but sticking with it allowed me to start getting the breakthroughs I needed.

I’ve just closed my highest deal ever, a $50K/yr contract. I’ve raised my prices over 30% across the board, reduced my time invested in my programs in half and been able to sell contracts just the same as before. I’ve closed over $120K in annual contracts this month alone. Without the help from David, I know none of this would have been possible. I am very grateful for what David does and the clarity he is able to bring to the very confusing space of personal development.”
- Karan Dhillon, founder of

“David taught me three core things: How to make decisions; How to sell; How to charge what I’m worth. These three things have been the foundation for amazing business growth. I’m so grateful I connect to him and chose to pay him when I did.I was making $1200 per month in my business when I met David. I went quickly to $8K per month— within a few months in a group program! What I learned and transformed with David (I’ve since done several programs with him) has led me to a $400,000 business that has unlimited potential for growth and, most importantly, I love my life, and helping clients to make money from their personal truth!”
- Darla LeDoux, Profit Acceleration Coach
“When I started working with David, my monthly revenue was stalled for months and I was having a hard time breaking out of it. I knew it was my mindset that was holding me back, but I didn’t know what it was or how to handle it. Over the past 8 months I’ve worked one-on-one with David and listened to a whole range of trainings he has done, and the shift in my thinking has been dramatic. It didn’t happen right away because I experienced a lot of resistance and internal push back in the beginning but sticking with it allowed me to start getting the breakthroughs I needed.

I’ve just closed my highest deal ever, a $50K/yr contract. I’ve raised my prices over 30% across the board, reduced my time invested in my programs in half and been able to sell contracts just the same as before. I’ve closed over $120K in annual contracts this month alone. Without the help from David, I know none of this would have been possible. I am very grateful for what David does and the clarity he is able to bring to the very confusing space of personal development.”
- Karan Dhillon, The Contractors Coach
“David taught me three core things: How to make decisions; How to sell; How to charge what I’m worth. These three things have been the foundation for amazing business growth. I’m so grateful I connect to him and chose to pay him when I did.I was making $1200 per month in my business when I met David. I went quickly to $8K per month— within a few months in a group program! What I learned and transformed with David (I’ve since done several programs with him) has led me to a $400,000 business that has unlimited potential for growth and, most importantly, I love my life, and helping clients to make money from their personal truth!”
Darla LeDoux, Sourced
"I continue to come to AOSS because it deepens my understanding of Universal Laws. Working with David and Steph have facilitated an over 200% growth in revenue, growing my team while working less and only doing the things I truly enjoy!"
- Michael Gionta, The RecruiterU
“When I first made the decision to work with David it was 2013, and I was as frustrated as hell because I kept walking into a glass wall. I could see what I wanted. I was clear on my goals. And I knew intellectually what I needed to do to get there. And yet, I was stuck. What I didn’t understand, what I couldn’t see, is that I was that glass wall. But as soon as I started working with David, that glass wall began to melt. In one year, I increased my revenue by 5 times. Within two years, my whole business transformed. Within 3 years, my life transformed. And within 4 years, my marriage transformed. I’ve literally made millions of dollars, and have had some of the most exciting life opportunities I could imagine, because I got out of my own damn way. And David and Steph were the guides who helped me do that. But above even all of that, the greatest transformation of all is that I am a truer, more complete version of myself. The real me stopped hiding and stepped forward into the light. I’m overcome with emotion and gratitude every time I think about how much they have impacted my life. I don’t know where I would be today if I had not worked with them. But I certainly know it wouldn’t be here.”
- Angelique Rewers, Bold Haus
What People Are Saying About The Summit
I'm sitting here having a-ha moment after a-ha moment... David takes you another level and shatters what you once believed about SUCCESS."
Marc Cordon | Expertise Reimagined
"I came to The Summit because I needed to change my thinking about money... I've only been here 3-days, but I'm a different person walking out the door"
Jodi Miles | Carpe Argentum
"David is someone who walks the talk. He not only gets people results...he has a giant heart."
Chris Winfield | Super Connector Media
"Go to AOSS. Let your life transform. I still think David and Steph are 2 of the best consultants in the world, and they exemplify generosity, authentic empowerment, awareness, and love. My income is 6x what it was since the first time I came here."
- Michelle Boulé,
“When I started working with David, my monthly revenue was stalled for months and I was having a hard time breaking out of it. I knew it was my mindset that was holding me back, but I didn’t know what it was or how to handle it. Over the past 8 months I’ve worked one-on-one with David and listened to a whole range of trainings he has done, and the shift in my thinking has been dramatic. It didn’t happen right away because I experienced a lot of resistance and internal push back in the beginning but sticking with it allowed me to start getting the breakthroughs I needed.

I’ve just closed my highest deal ever, a $50K/yr contract. I’ve raised my prices over 30% across the board, reduced my time invested in my programs in half and been able to sell contracts just the same as before. I’ve closed over $120K in annual contracts this month alone. Without the help from David, I know none of this would have been possible. I am very grateful for what David does and the clarity he is able to bring to the very confusing space of personal development.”
- Karan Dhillon, The Contractors Coach
“David taught me three core things: How to make decisions; How to sell; How to charge what I’m worth. These three things have been the foundation for amazing business growth. I’m so grateful I connect to him and chose to pay him when I did.I was making $1200 per month in my business when I met David. I went quickly to $8K per month— within a few months in a group program! What I learned and transformed with David (I’ve since done several programs with him) has led me to a $400,000 business that has unlimited potential for growth and, most importantly, I love my life, and helping clients to make money from their personal truth!”
Darla LeDoux, Sourced
"I continue to come to AOSS because it deepens my understanding of Universal Laws. Working with David and Steph have facilitated an over 200% growth in revenue, growing my team while working less and only doing the things I truly enjoy!"
- Michael Gionta, The RecruiterU
“When I first made the decision to work with David it was 2013, and I was as frustrated as hell because I kept walking into a glass wall. I could see what I wanted. I was clear on my goals. And I knew intellectually what I needed to do to get there. And yet, I was stuck. What I didn’t understand, what I couldn’t see, is that I was that glass wall. But as soon as I started working with David, that glass wall began to melt. In one year, I increased my revenue by 5 times. Within two years, my whole business transformed. Within 3 years, my life transformed. And within 4 years, my marriage transformed. I’ve literally made millions of dollars, and have had some of the most exciting life opportunities I could imagine, because I got out of my own damn way. And David and Steph were the guides who helped me do that. But above even all of that, the greatest transformation of all is that I am a truer, more complete version of myself. The real me stopped hiding and stepped forward into the light. I’m overcome with emotion and gratitude every time I think about how much they have impacted my life. I don’t know where I would be today if I had not worked with them. But I certainly know it wouldn’t be here.”
- Angelique Rewers, Bold Haus
At The Art of Success VIRTUAL Summit, 3 Incredible Days...
I Want To Help You Get To Where It Is You Want To Go...
Why? Because you're the good guys.

You're the change-makers.

You're in the business of helping people and giving back.

And we want to see you win... which is a win for us.
At the Art of Success Virtual Summit, we'll delve into:
  • ​How to turn small changes into BIG results
  • ​How to create a plan that is reverse-engineered from your BIG vision.
  • How double or triple your revenue by changing who you are being.
  • The TRUE reason you are experiencing your current results and what needs to shift immediately.
  • Creating a specific plan of action with deadlines so you can immediately implement what you're learning
Why? Because you're the good guys.

You're the change-makers.

You're in the business of helping people and giving back.

And we want to see you win... which is a win for us.
At the Art of Success Virtual Summit, we'll delve into:
  • ​How to turn small changes into BIG result
  • ​How to create whatever you want in Life without difficulty
  • How I tripled my income in less than 12 months following this little known but easy to implement secret
  •  The TRUE nature of the Mind, How it works, and Your Hidden Truth: why this is essential to know in order to Claim Your Success
  • Why Success is your Birthright and how to claim it with ease...
  • How to Turn Your Annual Income Into Your Monthly One
Day 1: master your mindset
“As a man thinketh, so he is.” ~James Allen
Successful business owners think different.
They have to know how to make decisions quickly, delegate efficiently and market effectively.
There’s no time for fear, worry or doubt. 
They know an efficient team is their key to growth and they know they need to be a leader that others want to follow.
Mindset is a SKILL that must be learned, and it’s the foundation of everything we teach.

Together we will work to answer the following questions:
  • ​What are the blind spots in your own thinking that are holding you back from the business, life and relationships that you desire?
  • ​How do you change your thinking to begin to see the results you’ve been working so hard to achieve?
  • ​What emotions have you not mastered that are responsible for feelings of overwhelm, fear, worry and doubt?
  • How do you clear your mind, so that you can see your next steps with absolute clarity, therefore eliminating indecision and procrastination?
  • What is your BIG WHY, and how do you tap into the power of it?
Day 2: master the laws
The Universal Law is impartial. It will give you anything you believe. It will throw you garbage or roses depending on the energy you put in.  ~Stuart Wilde
On Day 2, you’ll discover the 7 Universal Laws. You’ll then apply these Laws to your business, which will allow you to eliminate confusion, doubt, fear, and worry…so that you can implement strategies, lead without guilt and build a business you can be proud of.

I’ll teach you the sound business principles within:
  • ​The Law of Cause and Effect, so that you know what builds your fortune and what doesn’t. (Money is an effect, not a cause.)
  • ​The Law of Polarity, so that you have the heightened awareness it takes to identify massive opportunity hiding in plain sight. 
  • ​The Law of Rhythm, so that you learn exactly when to advance forward, and exactly when patience must rule the day.
  • The Law of Relativity, so that you perceive circumstances through accurate thinking (rather than through your emotions), and take action in the right way.
  • The Law of Gestation, so that you know the right timing for every move you make on the path to your success.
  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation, and how everything in the Universe consistently moves, so that you can change your thinking to change your life.
Day 3: master your success
"The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do."
From a rock-solid mindset comes accurate action.
Knowing what to do and when to do it is key in any successful business.
Procrastination and lack of clarity do not have a place at the table here.

On Day 3, we help you create a clear and concise plan of action and act as your catalyst for change so your results change.


So you:
  • ​become aligned with the highest version of yourself 
  • ​powerfully create the life you want MOST and 
  • ​can allow your purpose to lead the way to prosperity.
3 full, action-packed days virtually!

June 26-28, 2024

Register for only $497 Today
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
We Sold Out Last Time... Get Yours Now While You Can
Don't Miss Your Savings...
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
  • ​3 Action-Packed Days
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • Some Savings
Super Super Early Bird
$350 OFF!
Over 70% Savings!
Only $247 Today PLUS Get $100 Cashback at the Event! 
  • Until April 26 @ 12am ET
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • BEST Savings
Super Early Bird
$325 OFF!
Over 65% Savings!
$247 Today PLUS Get $75 Cashback at the Event! 
  • Until May 14th, @ 8pm ET
  • ​INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • ​Great Savings
Early Bird
$250 OFF!
50% Savings, But Our Cashback Offer Has Expired
  • Until June 4th @ 9pm ET
  • ​INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • ​Some Savings
Regular Price
Pay Our Full Price with 
No Cashback Offer
  • After June 4th @ 9pm ET
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • No Savings
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
limited bonuses
Bonus #1
The Hard Work Paradox Video Training
This straight-and-to-the-point video training will help you clearly see why the current strategy of working harder and "pushing through" won't actually take you closer to your goal and in fact sets you up for burn out and overwhelm... instead implement the tactics in this training and see what changes!
Bonus #2
An Efficient Action Plan and Little Known Trick to Accelerate Your Income Mini-book
It’s not enough to sit around and contemplate change. You must take action. Not just any action, but efficient action that leads you where you want to go.
To assist you with this, download our mini-book and get started IMMEDIATELY!
Bonus #3
Guide to the Universal Laws
This easy to understand guide to the Universal Laws will give you a clear and concise description of each Universal Law, so you can start to understand how each law and it's subsidiary laws will affect your results when used effectively vs. ineffectively.
Bonus #4
Private, Members-Only Mastermind Community on Facebook!
We're curating an exclusive, members-only Art of Success Mastermind Community on Facebook that we want you to be a part of! David, his team of coaches, and the amazing members of this group will support you on your Journey.
limited bonuses
Bonus #1
The Hard Work Paradox Video Training
This straight-and-to-the-point video training will help you clearly see why the current strategy of working harder and "pushing through" won't actually take you closer to your goal and in fact sets you up for burn out and overwhelm... instead implement the tactics in this training and see what changes!
Bonus #2
An Efficient Action Plan and Little Known Trick to Accelerate Your Income Mini-book
It’s not enough to sit around and contemplate change. You must take action. Not just any action, but efficient action that leads you where you want to go.
To assist you with this, download our mini-book and get started IMMEDIATELY!
Bonus #3
Guide to the Universal Laws
This easy to understand guide to the Universal Laws will give you a clear and concise description of each Universal Law, so you can start to understand how each law and it's subsidiary laws will affect your results when used effectively vs. ineffectively.
Bonus #4
Private, Members-Only Mastermind Community on Facebook!
We're curating an exclusive, members-only Art of Success Mastermind Community on Facebook that we want you to be a part of! David, his team of coaches, and the amazing members of this group will support you on your Journey.
Hey, any friend of yours is a friend of ours, so as an added bonus, you can bring a friend too for only $147 extra! 
With this steep discount, we can't offer them the cashback option too... 
only you get that - shhhhhh :) 
Have you ever even thought of the possibility of:
exponentially scaling your business? 
And even if you did, I bet

You just... didn't... know... how...

Your parents didn't know...

Your school teachers didn't know... 

And chances are, your friends didn't know how either, otherwise they would have showed you. 

And it's not even your fault! 

But how do you learn? 

Is there some system or "hack" that can change your mindset on getting to where you want to be? 

That’s exactly what this event is all about.
3 full, virtual, action-packed days
Register for only $497 Today
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
We Sold Out Last Time... Get Yours Now While You Can
Why attend?
"These Teachings Are So Powerful They Transform Lives..." 
Life Is Now is by far the most transformative team I’ve experienced in the personal growth arena. Your events are impeccable in every aspect. I am always wowed. This is my 4th event!

~ Casaundra Bennett 
Author and Publisher, Purple Iris Press, LLC
I’ve been frustrated knowing that I could do and be more but not knowing how to do that. Through the work with Life Is Now, I’ve finally been able to face what I really want to be and who I am.

~ Nozomi Morgan
Executive Coach and Owner of
Michiki Morgan Worldwide 

David and Steph have an incredible ability to cut right to the heart of the matter — regardless of your situation. Their teachings are applicable to every area of life!

~ Eleni Anastos
Business Coach and Founder of Business
Insights NOW, LLC
David is the embodiment of universal truths. Being in his presence brings you to connect with the truth of who you are. Priceless.

~ Karen Sottosanti
Owner, LifeSync Consultin
I gladly travel from another continent in order to attend this training. They are always different, and I always hear some things differently. Insights are valuable and environment is priceless… and you are never the same after. 

~ Jasmina Ambrus 
International Marketing Mentor and Owner of 
Rule Breaker Marketing
David has taught me how to really see my purpose in life and how to approach being honest with myself.

~ Gregory McCollum
Founder and Senior Felony Attorney,
Complete Legal Defense
~ Tracy Rasinski 
"damn, he’s good!!!"
~Tracy Rasinski 
I loved the opportunity to expose in a deeper way what I desire, what’s in my way that I’m tolerating, and how to begin changing this now.
~ Robbi Crawford
Owner, The Student’s Mentor 
I love David and how he comes from his truth with a nice balance of no-B.S. attitude and kindness. It helps that his truth resonates with my truth or what I believe is ultimate truth!

~ Mark J. Ryan
Coach and owner of 
David is THE BEST at showing you what is holding you back from your goals and mega-success.

~ Ivan Ramirez
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
The Law offices of Ramirez and Parenti PLLC 
Straight up. No bullshit. Direct. Tells you what you need to hear not what you want to hear. Refreshing in a PC world.

~ Jeff Norris 
David and Steph have the key to help you and your business grow!

~ Michael Root
Attorney and Partner, Jurisprudence Health Law
Group PC 
From the first time I heard David’s message, my direction has grown and I’m forever grateful for that… LOVE you guys!

~ Nicholas Gehringer
Delivery Experience Specialist at Tesla 
David and Steph have incredible insight and ability to see and deliver truth so you get it, and can take your results to the next level.

~ Veronica Lim F
Functional Medicine Health Coach 
David explains where self doubt and confusion comes from, then tells you what the tools are to work from the inside out… Get ready to change.

~ Darlene Mann
Attorney and Owner, Mann Law Office, PC 
David’s teachings consistently find the next layer of old roles and patterns to peel away like an onion - revealing a new truth. With David, my growth is faster and more impactful for me and those I interact with.

~ Connie Vanderzanden
Owner, Accounting Department Inc. 
David, thank you so much for guiding me through resistance. You shined a light on the blind spots that I was avoiding and on how to deal with them. I am so grateful for how much awareness I have gained.
~ Maria Luna
Actor, Writer, Director 
Because of working with David and Steph, I’m living a life of excitement and happiness. I don’t toss and turn because I can’t pay the bills, I toss and turn out of excitement for what tomorrow will bring.

~ Lucia E Robles Owner,
Lucia and Company Gourmet Gifts 
This is an absolute must for everyone who is committed to personal evolution. David is a master at how fear, shame, and guilt prevent you from manifesting your purpose.

~ Kristin D'amato
Author, Speaker, Healer  
 I love David and Steph's entire way of showing up from being conversational, to the small group, to standing in the truth, to allowing questions. I love it all. They really give people the space and tools to step up into their power.

~ Heather Guess,
Author and Coach 
This has been more useful for personal growth than five years of therapy… because therapy has focused on processing the past and not seeing what it is and breaking through it.

~ Jenny Bradley
Attorney, Triangle Smart Divorce 
~Jonathan Winn, Speaker and Coach
Every time I come to one of David’s live events I leave with a new awareness of my life and business.

~ Simona Ksoll
Brand Marketing Strategist and Business
David has helped me uncover life’s purpose by unlocking my heart’s desires.The people that have been waiting for me to achieve my life’s purpose have Neagle’s teachings to thank!!

~ Hisham Khaki
Founder at HapiGig 
I make a big leap forward every time I’m here. It’s ALWAYS worth it. I get so much closer to my true self each time, leaving me stronger than I was before.

~ Leah Nash
Owner, Equisport Massage Services 
David Neagle and team have helped me work through and overcome huge challenges and I will continue to work on myself and grow for the rest of my life. Thank you.

~ Dawn W. Stith
Founder & Principal of IntegrityWise Consulting, LLC  
I came with no idea of what to expect. I have been blown away by David and his team, and he has opened up my perception of thinking to a whole different level.Highly highly recommend. THANK YOU DAVID & TEAM.

~ Luke Elwin
Plant Based Chef 
David creates a space that is inviting and supportive. His energy encourages people to be vulnerable + feel safe to express oneself.

~ Amy McNaughton
CEO & Founder at Capable Confident Women 
 Every time I spend time with David and his teachings,I experience a level of transformation. Every. Single. Time.

~ Donna Shore Terrell
Attorney and Owner, Shore Law Firm, PLLC 
~Jonathan Winn, Speaker and Coach
Every time I come to one of David’s live events I leave with a new awareness of my life and business.

~ Simona Ksoll
Brand Marketing Strategist and Business
David has helped me uncover life’s purpose by unlocking my heart’s desires.The people that have been waiting for me to achieve my life’s purpose have Neagle’s teachings to thank!!

~ Hisham Khaki
Founder at HapiGig 
I make a big leap forward every time I’m here. It’s ALWAYS worth it. I get so much closer to my true self each time, leaving me stronger than I was before.

~ Leah Nash
Owner, Equisport Massage Services 
David Neagle and team have helped me work through and overcome huge challenges and I will continue to work on myself and grow for the rest of my life. Thank you.

~ Dawn W. Stith
Founder & Principal of IntegrityWise Consulting, LLC  
I came with no idea of what to expect. I have been blown away by David and his team, and he has opened up my perception of thinking to a whole different level.Highly highly recommend. THANK YOU DAVID & TEAM.

~ Luke Elwin
Plant Based Chef 
David creates a space that is inviting and supportive. His energy encourages people to be vulnerable + feel safe to express oneself.

~ Amy McNaughton
CEO & Founder at Capable Confident Women 
 Every time I spend time with David and his teachings,I experience a level of transformation. Every. Single. Time.

~ Donna Shore Terrell
Attorney and Owner, Shore Law Firm, PLLC 
Now personally, I wouldn’t attempt Scaling Your Business without a step-by-step guide to follow...
There are simply too many pitfalls along the way. 

Or if you're just feeling frustrated, worried, and overwhelmed and you can't seem to get ahead. 

I know that path. And it took us decades to finally figure things out and put it into a comprehensive plan we'll lay out for you at this Summit. 

So now you don’t have to go it alone! 

Allow us to be your Guide...
There are simply too many pitfalls along the way. 

Or if you're just feeling frustrated, worried, and overwhelmed and you can't seem to get ahead. 

I know that path. And it took me decades to finally figure things out and put it into a comprehensive plan I'll lay out for you at this Summit.

So now you don’t have to go it alone!

Allow me to be your Guide...
Don't Miss Your Savings...
Super Super Early Bird
$350 OFF!
Over 70% Savings!
Only $247 Today PLUS Get $100 Cashback at the Event! 
  • Until April 26 @ 12am ET
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • BEST Savings
Super Early Bird
$325 OFF!
Over 65% Savings!
$247 Today PLUS Get $75 Cashback at the Event! 
  • Until May 14th, @ 8pm ET
  • ​INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • ​Great Savings
Early Bird
$250 OFF!
50% Savings, But Our Cashback Offer Has Expired
  • Until June 4th @ 9pm ET
  • ​INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • ​Some Savings
Regular Price
Pay Our Full Price with 
No Cashback Offer
  • After June 4th @ 9pm ET
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • No Savings
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
  • 3 Action-Packed Days
  • INCLUDES All the Bonuses Below
  • Some Savings
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
Hey, any friend of yours is a friend of ours, so as an added bonus, you can bring a friend too for only $147 extra!
With this steep discount, we can't offer them the cashback option too... 
only you get that - shhhhhh :) 
limited bonuses
Bonus #1
The Hard Work Paradox Video Training
This straight-and-to-the-point video training will help you clearly see why the current strategy of working harder and "pushing through" won't actually take you closer to your goal and in fact sets you up for burn out and overwhelm... instead implement the tactics in this training and see what changes!
Bonus #2
An Efficient Action Plan and Little Known Trick to Accelerate Your Income Mini-book
It’s not enough to sit around and contemplate change. You must take action. Not just any action, but efficient action that leads you where you want to go.
To assist you with this, download our mini-book and get started IMMEDIATELY!
Bonus #3
Guide to the Universal Laws
This easy to understand guide to the Universal Laws will give you a clear and concise description of each Universal Law, so you can start to understand how each law and it's subsidiary laws will affect your results when used effectively vs. ineffectively.
Bonus #4
Private, Members-Only Mastermind Community on Facebook!
We're curating an exclusive, members-only Art of Success Mastermind Community on Facebook that we want you to be a part of! David, his team of coaches, and the amazing members of this group will support you on your Journey.
don't forget the limited bonuses
Bonus #1
The Hard Work Paradox Video Training
This straight-and-to-the-point video training will help you clearly see why the current strategy of working harder and "pushing through" won't actually take you closer to your goal and in fact sets you up for burn out and overwhelm... instead implement the tactics in this training and see what changes!
Bonus #2
An Efficient Action Plan and Little Known Trick to Accelerate Your Income Mini-book
It’s not enough to sit around and contemplate change. You must take action. Not just any action, but efficient action that leads you where you want to go.
To assist you with this, download our mini-book and get started IMMEDIATELY!
Bonus #3
Guide to the Universal Laws
This easy to understand guide to the Universal Laws will give you a clear and concise description of each Universal Law, so you can start to understand how each law and it's subsidiary laws will affect your results when used effectively vs. ineffectively.
Bonus #4
Private, Members-Only Mastermind Community on Facebook!
We're curating an exclusive, members-only Art of Success Mastermind Community on Facebook that we want you to be a part of! David, his team of coaches, and the amazing members of this group will support you on your Journey.
I’m so confident in my ability to help you make a Massive Shift, that 
I’m 100% guaranteeing your experience.

If after the end of the first day, you are not convinced that the Art of Success Summit is worth your investment, just let anyone of my team members know (after the end of the first day, and before the beginning of Day 2), and they’ll gladly give you your money back.
There is NO RISK whatsoever. NONE.
I’m so confident in my ability to help you make a Massive Shift, that 
I’m 100% guaranteeing your experience.

If after the end of the first day, you are not convinced that the Art of Success Summit is worth your investment, just let anyone of my team members know (after the end of the first day, and before the beginning of Day 2), and they’ll gladly give you your money back.
There is NO RISK whatsoever. NONE.
Q. What are the Logistics?

A. The Art of Success Summit will be held June 26-28, 2024. All 3 days of the event will be streamed LIVE to you in the comfort of your home or office. Once you’ve registered we’ll provide you with all the access and bonus details you need to get you 100% ready for these 3 transformational days.

Each day of the intensive will begin at approximately 10:00 am ET and conclude around 5:00 pm ET.

Creating an experience that still allows you to network with each other, ask David questions directly and participate fully for 3 transformational days is our ultimate goal. We are 100% confident we can create that experience for you using state-of-the-art technology (and a few other tricks up our sleeve) to make you feel like you’re right in the room with us, even though you’ll be in the comfort of your own home or office.
Q. Is There A Guarantee?
A. I’m so confident in my ability to help you make a Massive Shift, that I’m 100% guaranteeing your experience.

If after the end of the first day, you are not convinced that the Art of Success Summit is worth your investment, just let anyone of my team members know (after the end of the first day, and before the beginning of Day 2), and they’ll gladly give you your money back.

There is NO RISK whatsoever. NONE.
Q. Will there be recordings available if I can't make all 3 days?
A. YES! Once you purchase your ticket, you'll have the opportunity to upgrade to a VIP ticket for only $697.00.
Included in that VIP ticket, you'll receive the replay recordings of all 3 days and access to a special closed door session with David (so you can ask him questions in a more intimate setting). 

PLUS you'll receive a couple additional trainings to help you immediately.
Q. What if I have other questions?
A. We LOVE questions! Just give us a call at 877-776-6364 and we’d be happy to help you any way we can.  If you prefer to communicate through email, send your questions to
3 full, virtual, action-packed days
Register for only $497 Today
Purchase one of the few remaining seats NOW!
We Sold Out Last Time... Get Yours Now While You Can
Life Is Now, Inc © 2024