A free training to help you gain clarity, take back control, and create the future you TRULY desire.

Tuesday, September 12th
at 4:30pm ET

A free training to help you gain clarity, take back control, and create the future you TRULY desire.

Tuesday, September 12th at 4:30pm ET

Hey there, it's David Neagle.

If you're an entrepreneur who feels frustrated, stuck, and like your business is going nowhere...

If you don't have the clarity, confidence and consistency you need to build the success you want...

And if you're ready to take back control of your destiny...

Then I've got a powerful free 60 minute training for you called "Has Your Destiny Been Hijacked?"

On this live virtual workshop, you'll discover:

The 3 biggest hijackers that are sabotaging your potential without you even realizing it. These are what's blocking your clarity and magnetism.

The 3 biggest hijackers that are sabotaging your potential without you even realizing it. These are what's blocking your clarity and magnetism.

Why you're not manifesting the goals, income and impact you really want - and how to change that starting today.

The simple mindset shift that can rapidly get you unstuck and into momentum. Hint: it has to do with where you're placing your focus.

Why you're not manifesting the goals, income and impact you really want - and how to change that starting today.

The simple mindset shift that can rapidly get you unstuck and into momentum. Hint: it has to do with where you're placing your focus.

I'm going to challenge you to think differently about the concept of destiny and lead you through proven techniques to get yourself back on course quickly.

If you feel like life has thrown you off track...

If your business growth has plateaued and you've lost inspiration...

Or if you have a sense you were meant for MORE but aren't sure how to unlock it...

Join me for this free virtual workshop. I promise it will be time well spent.
Because here's the truth: your destiny hasn't been hijacked. It's just waiting for you to reclaim it.
If you're ready to take ownership and finally create the levels of success you want, this training is for you.

I'm talking about the kind of success where you have complete clarity of purpose and vision.

You leap out of bed excited to build your business because it aligns so powerfully with who you are.

The kind where you have control over your schedule and finances. You don't just make ends meet, you have true abundance and the freedom to live life on your terms.

Where you have deep fulfillment in your work because you know it matters. You get to witness the impact your business has in transforming people's lives.

And you have an unshakable belief in yourself and your abilities because you're manifesting your goals through courageous action and consistency.
This is the kind of success where you feel proud, confident, motivated and in flow. Aligned with your highest potential.
If this resonates and you're ready to take back your power in order to create this vision, then this training is for you. I'll give you the mindset shifts and proven strategies you need to get there faster.

You know you're capable of more. Reclaim the destiny that's waiting for you - starting today.

Register now and I'll send you a reminder before we go live.

Looking forward to helping you get clarity on your path ahead!
Tuesday, September 12th
at 4:30pm ET
Join me on Tuesday, September 12th at 4:30pm ET
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Hi, I’m David Neagle

Founder of the multi-million dollar global coaching company, Life Is Now. Inc, helping purpose-driven entrepreneurs and small business owners grow and scale their business to 7 and 8 Figures using principles and trainings based in neuro-science and Universal Law.

The information I'll share with you in this training, has been responsible for helping thousands of people break through their financial ceiling, hire a supportive productive team, and create a business that allows them the freedom to live the life they want without clawing and scratching from the bottom up.

Without it, you will struggle with procrastination, indecision, a lack of clarity always second-guessing your every decision and opportunity.

With it, you will open the door to new opportunities, new clients and new ideas you never even knew existed.

You see, the Universe is open…but people are closed. It works like a combination lock. Line it up, and it opens with ease. Be off by one number and no matter how hard you try… It. Will. Not. Open.

Let me help you learn how to open that lock and door each and every time.
Tuesday, September 12th
at 4:30pm ET
Tuesday, September 12th at 4:30pm ET
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What Others Are Saying About Working With David…

The people that have been waiting for me to achieve my life's purpose have Neagle's teachings to thank!

Hisham Khaki
Founder at HapiGig

David has taught me how to really see my purpose in life and how to approach being honest with myself.

Gregory McCollum
Founder, Capital Legal Defense

David's teachings consistently find the next layer of old roles and patterns to peel away like an onion- revealing new truth.

Connie Vanderzanden
Owner, Accounting Department Inc.

Tuesday, September 12th
at 4:30pm ET
Tuesday, September 12th at 4:30pm ET
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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